The human body need liquid or water in an amount corresponding to the body. The function of water in the human body is to maintain the freshness of the body, helps the digestive system to make it More smoothly, remove toxins in the body through sweat and urine. Water also serves to solvents, catalysts, lubricants, to regulate body temperature as well as a provider of electrolytes and minerals that are needed by the body. health tips.
Here are 5 danger of lack of drinking water for health:
Disrupt brain function. Water is very good for our brain cells. The function of this water so that the brain can think faster, not easily forgotten or senile and can concentrate for any activity on the run. because if the lack of water, especially water will cause the fluid in the brain decreases, oxygen intake which should flow to the brain is also reduced. Causing brain cells become inactive and does not develop as expected.
Various Health Problems. Dangers of lack of drinking water next is thirsty, parched throat, body temperature becomes hot, the symptoms of headache, urine will be colored thick, rapid pulse that feels, the symptoms of hallucinations and also fatal namely death.
Bladder infections. Dangers of lack of drinking water is will cause the next bladder infection. Symptoms of bladder infection is elevated body temperature, pain on urination and even sometimes there is blood in the urine is released.
Looks Dull skin. Dangers of lack of drinking water, hereinafter is skin becomes dull or not showing skin brighter and younger because of capillary blood flow in the skin on the body is not maximal.
Kidney endanger you.
Not only it can disrupt the function of the kidneys work on your body. This is because water is very important to prevent kidney stones. The function of water in the kidneys will make the components forming kidney stones become easier shed with urination that we spend every day.
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